One thing is for certain, there are a lot of mattresses (and box springs) in self storage units. If you open a storage unit at random, odds are there is at least one mattress stored inside.
Very few customers, however, take advantage of plastic bags to protect their mattresses in storage. No storage unit is air tight and over months or years, dust is bound to accumulate inside. A mattress stored unprotected in a unit will become quite covered in dust and will eventually be ruined.
A simple plastic mattress bag can solve this issue, save your mattress and save you money. A new mattress can cost $200 or more. If your mattress is worth storing, it's worth protecting so that it can be used again!
Mattress bags are sized to fit each individual mattress and are made of strong plastic so your mattress can be moved and scooted a bit all the while protecting it from dirt and grime. Over time the bag will also protect your mattress from dust accumulation which can settle in the fibers.
Mattress bags are affordable and may be the best storage/moving product that you buy. Mattress bags start in price under $4 and vary according to size. As someone who has seen inside a lot of storage units I know it's an investment you won't regret!